Day 20-24 – 30 Day Challenge

So yeah, posting daily has been a challenge this month. Not going to lie. And I’ve been traveling this whole week which means I haven’t been tracking.

The good news is that even though I splurged Friday and Saturday, I felt more on track since then. I’ve been pretty impressed I’ve been able to curb all snacking at my work meeting (where there is food around all day) and just stick to meals and staying fairly healthy. I’ve also been able to work out pretty regularly. Saturday I did a 6 mile run. Monday I did a 30 minute run (about 3.2 miles). Tuesday was a crazy day because I was in meetings all day so I didn’t get a chance to work out, but I took advantage of some free time on Wednesday and worked out for 2 hours. I did a 30 minute run, walked for 10 and then did 35 minutes body conditioning. After that I did a 45 minute yoga class.

I’ve not been on the scale all week so it will be interesting to head back home tomorrow and see the damage. No clue what to expect. But suffice it to say, I will finish the challenge off strong and track every day I’m back home.


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