Day 22 – 30 Day Challenge

Day 22 was more difficult than Day 21. It started off well. I got in a 45 minute run before heading to meetings. We stopped at a bagel place for breakfast. I did an eggwhite and veggie bagel with no cream cheese – even tore out the soft pieces of bagel to cut down on the carbs. Lunch was relatively good. Sandwiches and salad was ordered. I ate half a turkey sandwich and threw out half of the bread. I had salad that had some cheese on it and meat from another half of a salad. I had one tiny bite of a brownie to satisfy my sweet craving. Dinner was the real issue….I had a healthy sandwich and pop chips from a deli in the airport. But then dinner came in first class too….I didn’t eat much of it, but probably more than I should’ve. I try to justify it that my body was hungry and I did work out hard that morning. But then I sat on a plane for 6 hours. Positives were I didn’t drink any alcohol the entire time I was traveling….but still, I could’ve done better. Today is easier as I’m home….tomorrow the big planning comes for tomorrow night’s dinner at Aquerello. I believe it’s a set menu….I have no idea what to expect so all I can do is work out in the morning and eat smart throughout the day. And do my best to control portions of whatever is served to me while still enjoying it as it’s a celebration dinner.

Date: November 19th, 2013

Days Complete: 22

Tracked: Yes although had to guess all my points for the day

Worked Out: Yes. 45 minute run.

Feeling: Disappointed…but unsure if I should be. Guess that means I’m confused!


1 thought on “Day 22 – 30 Day Challenge

  1. No disappointment necessary! You’re making changes and making the effort, which is already more than the bulk of the bulky population. Keep it up, ’cause you’re doing great, Mel!

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