Halloween: An acceptable time to dress up pets…

It pains me to see people walking or carrying pets down the street (or in a store) that are dressed up in costumes or little coats and jackets.  My first thought is to feel sorry for the poor animal subjected to it’s owners’ sick and twisted amusement in dressing them up like children.  Then I think, do people really have money to waste on animal clothing?!  I’m sure I will be upsetting some dog owners who constantly dress up their pets but hey, it’s just my opinion.
However having said that, I do find it somewhat acceptable to dress pets up for Halloween…some may think this hypocritical of me, but c’est la vie.


This one Im not so sure of...

This one I'm not so sure of...

OMG - A Cat Costume...LOL

OMG - A Cat Costume...LOL

Best one EVER

Best one EVER

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